Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The USM, in a nutshell

Let see, the USM is a representation of the US's military, full of dumb shit-for-brains that shoot now, and never ask questions. almost all USM soldiers have Big Egos that overide their true personality, maybe that's why I didn't want to join. Their leader is no other then a total try-hard named gmf23. Which it seems that what he does is he beats this attitude into his men (there are very few girls, thank god.) and then puts them all over ROBLOX, to do spying! One time I was in New Blockers, being a troll and spawnkilling guests, then this guy walks up to me (I was a cop in that RP) and said that "I'm your boss" or some shit, I asked why, and he said " Because I'm US HLS and USM" What I should have done was said Screw you numnuts and fill his face with lead, I didn't say anything but I didn't start to shoot him, then he was like "Fine! You Win" and he ragequitted. Also former USM have kept that ego wherever they go. Now the current USM is that most of their "Civilian Cities" are occupied by the military, and pretty much enforce martial law wherever they go. If you are in one of there cities, expect to hear "Halt! Show me your ID!" And if you ask questions or walk away, THEY WILL SHOOT YOU!! If you see a group of them at a non-USM place, go ahead and bother them, then what will happen is that they will go onto their group wall and post your name on it so that they can try to arrest you. So in other aords, the USM is bad! And you shouldn`t trust them.

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